
Welcome to our website

This website is designed and administered by John and Rosemary Morton.

We are a husband and wife team and members of the body of Christ described in the New Testament as the Church of God.  We are not affiliated with any incorporated church organisation.  We are 7th day Sabbath keepers and believe that the Holy days God gave the ancient Israelites portray His plan for the redemption of mankind and we observe them.

This site comprises a collection of articles and study papers we have written.  They are a result of our own studies and our objective is to share the knowledge we have gained through our studies.   We will from time to time incorporate articles from selected guest writers.

We do not presume to be an authority on biblical truth, nor do we claim to have all the answers.  We have prayerfully studied the Word of God over a number of years gaining an insight to the awesome plan God has to give every human being an opportunity of eternal life.  We are continually learning - this is a work in progress.

Unfortunately, through the ages many individuals and organisations, in the name of religion, have managed to obscure the picture and reduce the Word of God to a jumbled collection of unrelated stories and suspect accounts of what many today might regard as superstitions.  Others have tried to use their 'revealed knowledge' to gain a following, earn a living or to have control over people.   We do not subscribe to any of these motives, we merely want to share the good news of the Kingdom of God, His plan and His way of life.

The objective of our studies has been to gain a better view of the bigger picture of what God is doing and why we are here.  This has led to a better vision of who He is and what He has in store for us.  It has given us great encouragement and hope in a world that is so full of confusion, chaos and despair.  We now have a clearer vision than we had before and would like to share this with you through the articles we have included on this site.  

Please feel free to copy and distribute any of these articles without alteration. 

We have deliberately kept this website simple and user friendly, without a lot of bells and whistles.  The objective is to share and teach rather than impress.  We are interested in any constructive feedback about the site or articles.  

With the kindest of regards

John and Rosemary

If you want to comment on our website or discuss any of our articles we can be contacted by email at:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.    




Lost Ten Tribes

Is the identity of the lost ten tribes of Israel relevant?  See our article Children of the Promises 

Do you know

the difference between the law and a covenant?  Or the difference between commandments, statutes and judgments?  If not make sure you read see our Bible Study on God's Law   

Have You Considered

Jesus Christ said that no one has seen or heard his Father.  So who spoke to Abraham, Moses, Isaac and Jacob?  To find out make sure you read our article - Who Spoke.

Do you know who the two witnesses will be?   See our article -  The Two Witnesses.

Will you be part of the bride of Christ? - See our article - Bride of Christ.

Points to Ponder

When we take of the wine and bread in rembrance of Christ's sacrifice are we observing Passover, or the Lord's Supper?  Is there a diference between the two?  If so - what is that diference?

Be sure to read our article on 'The Truth About Passover'

As you are preparing to celebrate the Lord's Supper you may also want to read our new article 'Examine Yourself'