
Your Calling

Jesus Christ said, "No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day." (John 6:44).  Our calling to salvation is very personal.  We are called by God to be saved from the death and destruction that is the inevitable fate of humantiy in this world, to become part of the very family of God, "...and I will receive you, And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty." (II Corinthians 6:17-18).  It is not something we should take lighlty as Jesus indicated in the parable of the wedding feast (Matthew 22:1-13).

To find out more you need to read our articles on this subject: 

Make Your Calling and Election Sure!   All things are provided to ensure your salvation.  The Apostle Peter said that God has provided everything you need to make your calling and election sure.  If you do these things you shall never fall.

By the Skin of Your Teeth Hanging on by the skin of your teeth?  Not sure if you’ll make it after all these years?  You are not alone!  

All In Good Time  Every day we see and hear examples of man’s inhumanity to man. Every day we sigh and cry for the sorrows of the world, and pray more fervently “Thy kingdom come”. Every day we ask “how long, O Lord, how long?”. We desperately want to make a difference – but how, when? 


If you want to comment on our website or discuss any of our articles we can be contacted by email at:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.    

Lost Ten Tribes

Is the identity of the lost ten tribes of Israel relevant?  See our article Children of the Promises 

Do you know

the difference between the law and a covenant?  Or the difference between commandments, statutes and judgments?  If not make sure you read see our Bible Study on God's Law   

Have You Considered

Jesus Christ said that no one has seen or heard his Father.  So who spoke to Abraham, Moses, Isaac and Jacob?  To find out make sure you read our article - Who Spoke.

Do you know who the two witnesses will be?   See our article -  The Two Witnesses.

Will you be part of the bride of Christ? - See our article - Bride of Christ.

Points to Ponder

When we take of the wine and bread in rembrance of Christ's sacrifice are we observing Passover, or the Lord's Supper?  Is there a diference between the two?  If so - what is that diference?

Be sure to read our article on 'The Truth About Passover'

As you are preparing to celebrate the Lord's Supper you may also want to read our new article 'Examine Yourself'