
God's Purpose and Plan

Have you ever wondered if there is a God? If He has a purpose and plan?  And just how that affects you?

We have posted a number of article on this subject which will tell you about God's purpose, His plan and just how it affects you! 

In the Image of God  God’s law is more than a set of rules.  It foreshadows good things to come.  Things we cannot even begin to imagine!

God's Will  Many Christians recite the Lord’s Prayer.  They ask that God’s, “…will be done in earth, as it is in heaven”.  But do they understand what they are asking for?  Do they really know God’s will and how it impacts on their lives?  A lot of people are confused about God’s will.  It is a complete mystery to many.  There should be no confusion!  It is not a mystery! God has made His will known!  The accomplishment of His will is something to get excited about!

The Will of God  God has given us the means to accomplish His will, but we need to do our part!

Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour  a series of articles on the role of Jesus Christ in the plan and purpose of God. 

Filling All in All  What did Paul mean when he referred to Christ as ‘him who fills all in all’?   Who is to be filled with what?   And how is it to be done?

The Kingdom  Jesus often spoke in parables about a Kingdom.  Was he referring to a real Kingdom, or were these merely stories to keep his audience amused?   

The Plan  Who can tell us why are we here?  What is the purpose of life?  Why is that purpose a mystery and where do we look for the answers that elude so many?     

The Apple of His Eye  Do you understand just how much our Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, truly love us – and to show that we must build that understanding into the foundations of our Christian walk.  

Your Inheritance  Would you believe me if I said that there is an inheritance waiting for you?  One that surpasses anything you can imagine.  Who died that you might receive this inheritance? 


If you want to comment on our website or discuss any of our articles we can be contacted by email at:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.    

Lost Ten Tribes

Is the identity of the lost ten tribes of Israel relevant?  See our article Children of the Promises 

Do you know

the difference between the law and a covenant?  Or the difference between commandments, statutes and judgments?  If not make sure you read see our Bible Study on God's Law   

Have You Considered

Jesus Christ said that no one has seen or heard his Father.  So who spoke to Abraham, Moses, Isaac and Jacob?  To find out make sure you read our article - Who Spoke.

Do you know who the two witnesses will be?   See our article -  The Two Witnesses.

Will you be part of the bride of Christ? - See our article - Bride of Christ.

Points to Ponder

When we take of the wine and bread in rembrance of Christ's sacrifice are we observing Passover, or the Lord's Supper?  Is there a diference between the two?  If so - what is that diference?

Be sure to read our article on 'The Truth About Passover'

As you are preparing to celebrate the Lord's Supper you may also want to read our new article 'Examine Yourself'